
Read all 27 reviews
May 30, 2023 |

Gerald J.

“When I needed help to protect my integrity that was being attacked in a frivolous request for a civil restraining order, Mr. Pezhman Pakneshan immediately engaged within minutes of my initial call. He walked me through the process, what I would expect, and we discussed why the claim was not legitimate.
He guided me through responding to the allegations, in obtaining a continuation from the court so we could do our du diligence, and submit a legal brief and response declaration that was concise and laid out factual information that discredited the claim.

He worked closely with me throughout what is an extremely stressful situation for anyone, and although I knew I did nothing wrong, you never really know until a judge looks at the facts and decides. In this case the facts spoke clearly and the request for a civil restraining order against me was denied.

I greatly appreciate the effort Mr. Pakneshan applied to my case, his communications with me along the journey, and his presence next to me during the hearing. The outcome was going to be based on our preparedness, the facts, and having truth on our side, he helped present all those elements.”

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